How Do Two Way Radios Help a Religious Community?

Posted by R.D. Donell on 10th Oct 2016

Churches & How They Use Two Way Radios

Places of worship gather small groups, children, and adults from various walks of life to participate in events of all kinds. These events range from the most commonplace social gatherings, such as sharing a BBQ and playing a Corn-Hole Tournament to hosting a prayer service, concert, or conference. Churches and places of worship are often times community centers hosting voting booths, dinners for local law enforcement or fire stations, art exhibits, and cooperative efforts for local businesses. They provide a location with large spaces for meals and activities at little cost in comparison to other event venues.

Given the diversity of communal activities at these sites, churches and places of worship that want to maximize their service to the broader community as well as lend credibility to their cause use Two-Way Radios.

Consider the following situations where safety concerns are made easier due to the ease of communication afforded by Two-Way Radios. A safety volunteer is canvassing the parking lot during a service so as to prevent stealing or break-ins to the cars during a weekend event. He observes someone suspiciously attempting open multiple car doors across the parking lot. Using his two-way radio, he is able to notify ushers in the building who make direct contact to the officer on duty who comes and engages the would-be burglar. There are much more innocent cases though as well.

For example, suppose a child mistakenly pulls the fire alarm and an entire building of volunteers and children begin to hear the siren in the children’s facility. Using two-way radios enables teachers and volunteers to quickly relay the message that it was a “false alarm” and there is no need to evacuate.

In each case, two-way radios enable staff, volunteers, and weekend personnel to better serve their guests, church members, and the wider community by ensuring that internal communication is efficient. Whether one is committed to a religious community or uses a religious facility for civic or public events, all churches and places of worship (big or small) benefit from supplying efficient communication tools for personnel on their site. Let Two-Way Radio Center help you serve your community.