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Walkie Talkie, Walky Talky, or Two Way Radios?

Now for a little history.  Two way radios is the "scientific" term for portable transeiver devices which allow for two way communication using over the air radio frequencies.  Two way radios were invented in 1923 in Australia and were made popular in the United States by Galvin Manufacturing which eventually became Motorola.  Walkie Talkies were invented by Motorola in 1940 and were widely used by American Troops in World War II.  Walky Talky is simply a variation in spelling of Walkie Talkie.  

Motorola renamed their products two way radios in the 1950's and have stuck by the term ever since.  You'l find there are two way radios for every budget from families to the most complex two way radios used to speak to the space station.  Two way radios come in a variety of sizes, watts, and with varying features. offers both license free two way radios and two way radios which require a license by the FCC to use.  All walky talky's sold on require an FCC License unless the product page states otherwise. offers walkie talkies manufactured by Kenwood, Motorola, and Vertex Standard.  We work with customers to determine the best two way radio for your needs versus the most expensive two way radio we sell.  More often than not, the best two way radio isn't the most expensive two way radio.  Give us a call today (855-770-7194) to speak with one of our experts about your walkie talkie needs.